Saturday, October 25, 2008

Limburg and White water albino

So, a few months ago I sold a guy two male limburg albino males, and recently I aquired a rosy he wanted, so I traded him, and got one of the limburgs back.

Here's some fun pics of the limburg next to one of my whitewater males.
Limburgs have red eyes, whitewaters are green to gold.

Friday, October 17, 2008

More new rosys!

So here's the story....
I got two female double hets (het for both albino and anery) from makoman, and another adult albino het snow male.
Here are the girls:

And here's the male:

And a little Bahia de LA female as a bonus!

The females are 2007 babies, but he has obviously pumped them like crazy because they are both over 24 inches and very healthy.
I was planning to wait until 2010.. but if I breed then I could produce snows and/or anerys next year, so I've decided that I am going to go for it.

That means that next year I will be attempting to produce 7 litters.
Wow. That'll be crazy.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Here's another shot of Luke. He's the one biting me in the last post. :)

a couple pics of my newer rosys

Little jerk!
Actually, When he realized I wasn't a mouse he calmed right down.

Thursday, October 9, 2008