Well, the winter cool down starts today.
I have 6 females and 3 males that will be hibernating in preparation for breeding. Should be an interesting mix if things produce next year.
The main 2 males are whitewater albinos that are both 100% het for anery, and a normal whitewater male as a backup in the unlikely case that one of my main males doesn't make it through hibernation.
The females and litters:
Female #1- is a big WW albino. She would produce:
100% albinos that are 50% possibility of being het for anery.
Female #2- is a big Het for WW albino. She would produce:
50% albinos that are 50% possibility het for anery.
50% normals that are 100% poss het for albino and 50% poss het for anery.
Females #3 and #4- are 66% possibility het for WW albino. If they prove to be het, they will produce the same as Female #2. If not, the babies will be:
all 100% het for albino, and 50% het for anery.
-the presence of any visible albinism in a baby would prove its mother to be 100% het.
Females #5 and #6- are het for BOTH WW albino and anery. They would each produce:
12.5% snow (albino and anery together),
12.5% anery that are 100% het albino,
37.5% albino that are 66% poss of being het anery
37.5% normal that are 100% het albino and 66% poss het anery
Good night rosys. Dream of warm plentiful rodents and huge healthy litters.
Josh - rosybozo